OpenCore für cMP 4,1/5,1

@Indio Karte steht auf Gaming Mode, pfeil klicken scannt er kurz und zeigt dass nichts aktiv ist
@Macschrauber bei Karten besteht das Problem dass es so Lagt ist, dass ich nicht mal bei der Datenschutzerklärung "Fertig" drücken kann
Anbei noch mein Dump vom ROM
Da passt bestimmt was nicht
Weis nur nicht was ;-)


  • CCEF2D46-CDAF-4C69-90FA-1D714C817190.jpeg
    108,8 KB · Aufrufe: 102
Der ist recht voll, was normal ist nach 10 mal booten nach der Garbage Collection.

Nicht gut ist dass es ein 4.1 Crossflash ist, der ist kein 4.1 mehr und noch kein exakter 5.1 von der Firmware. Kann man aber ändern. Hast eine PN
@Indio Karte steht auf Gaming Mode, pfeil klicken scannt er kurz und zeigt dass nichts aktiv ist
@Macschrauber bei Karten besteht das Problem dass es so Lagt ist, dass ich nicht mal bei der Datenschutzerklärung "Fertig" drücken kann

da stimmt gewaltig was nicht. Ich würde als erstes versuchen die root patches zu deaktivieren und neu machen (Über den oclp patcher).

wenn das nicht hilft neu installieren.

ich vermute dass da metal patches aktiv sind die man mit einer metal Karte nicht braucht.
wobei die root patches ja gar nicht machbar sind wenn OCLP sie nicht ermittelt
und das hier eine andere kiste gespooft wurde.
wobei die root patches ja gar nicht machbar sind wenn OCLP sie nicht ermittelt
und das hier eine andere kiste gespooft wurde.
ich vermute da wurde eine GT120 zum Installieren verwendet und dafür hat dann OCLP die legacy.metal-patches ausgeführt.
ja, dass wäre eine erklärung
Ja korrekt die GT120 nehme ich für den bootscreen um Open Core mit dem Installer Stick zu installieren

Das ist der Fehler. Man sollte die GT120 ausschließlich dafür nehmen um OpenCore erstmalig zu starten. Nicht zum Bootlader bauen und installieren denn dann macht der die Root Patches für eine GPU die kein Metal kann. Den Effekt hast du jetzt (wahrscheinlich), dass die Metal Funktionen per Patch in Software nachgebildet werden.

Durch LauncherOption: Full in den Settings von OpenCore (Was OCLP so einträgt) wird beim ersten Starten von OC das in die Boot001 Variable im NVRAM eingetragen und geht auch nicht beim einfachen NVRAM Reset wieder raus.

Das ist gut und gewollt. Schließlich kann man das ohne Bootscreen nicht ohne Mühe ändern.

Das steht auch in der Analyse vom Dumper. Da das nur mit 3fach NVRAM Reset wieder rausgeht hab ich das mit reingenommen. Das bleibt dann auch noch drin wenn man nur mal mit OC experimentiert hat und verlangsamt dann den Boot wenn man wieder auf ein natives System zurückgegangen ist.
Kann ich ohne Gefahr eine Live DVD von Parted Magic auf meinem cMP mit Opencore booten oder wird dann wieder schadhaftes in das Bios geschrieben?
Kann ich ohne Gefahr eine Live DVD von Parted Magic auf meinem cMP mit Opencore booten oder wird dann wieder schadhaftes in das Bios geschrieben?
Bis jetzt haben wir das nur bei Windows gesehen. Wenn ganz sicher sein willst dann mach ein Firmware Backup davor - falls keins vorhanden.
Weiß jemand, wie ich bei Martins Paket in der ersten Startphase ebenfalls die hohe Auflösung verwenden kann (so wie bei OCLP) verwenden kann...

Auf dem 30" ACD ist der Apfel echt riesig ;)

Als GPU habe ich eine geflashte RX580 (also mit nativem Bootscreen) - Vielleicht ist das ja auch das "Problem" :p
martins package 0.8.9 wurde released

OpenCore 0.8.9 (credit to Acidanthera) released officially. As usual, you can get my package (configured for 5,1) at here

Before anyone ask, the answer is NO. This package won't allow any cMP to run Ventura.
Since 0.8.8, you may see some text on the top left of your monitor just before the boot picker show up. So far, all evidences point to that's just cosmetic error, and it may go away by itself. No need to worry about that. However, if you really want to avoid it, then you better stay at 0.8.7 at this moment.
For those who want to install Monterey, please read the following carefully. This package is ready to "run" Monterey. However, NOT for Monterey "installation" (or update) by default. There is a reason that I designed the package in this way.
As John's warning more than a year ago. If we spoof the Firmware Feature to make the cMP has "native Monterey support" (like what we are having now in Big Sur). Then you will lost the ability to boot to your existing Mojave (the latest macOS that the cMP is supported officially) and older macOS. That's because we need to turn on Secure Boot for Monterey, but we can't boot existing Mojave (and older macOS) with Secure Boot enabled on our legacy x86 systems.
I always recommend people having a working Mojave drive around. That's good for emergency use. Therefore, I don't want my package cannot boot legacy Mojave by default. Especially for those who are using newer GPU like 5700 or 6800. Without OpenCore to activate the UEFI GOP, they won't able to see anything in Mojave (on the day that they really need it).
So, rather than go for that "trouble free (for Monterey only)" solution. I use a more traditional way to allow us to install (and update) Monterey. Which is by using the VMM flag.
There are only two simple modifications need to be done. I showed the steps in this video
[P.S. For those who used my package to run Catalina. You should be very familiar with this procedure. For new users, if you feel the video is too fast, please use the 0.25x speed function, or just pause it. Also, please turn on the subtitle and read them. If the video is too blurry, please set the quality to 1080P or above]
Once you finished the macOS installation, please turn OFF the VMM flag, and switch ON SMBIOS spoofing in other to restore HWAccel with max CPU performance. You can just replace the modded config plist with the default one. No need to edit it again.
As you can see from the Changelog, there is a new "...firmware driver enabling pre-OpenCore graphics...". This actually means we can now flash our cMP's firmware (with that firmware driver) to re-gain the "hold Option key to boot" function (or use the firmware level password). We can also choose to flash the graphic card, but in general, flashing the cMP is a better option ("better" here not means "safer"). Because once flashed, almost any modern card can show boot screen on the cMP natively (even you completely remove OpenCore).
However, the required tool and firmware driver is NOT included in my package. My package is aim at providing a one stop shop solution to enable HWAccel. Flashing the cMP / graphic card is going way too far. I can reliably inform you that I tested this function deeply on my own cMP. It works, and not hard to do (for anyone that has basic terminal skill). However, I must emphasis that a single minor user error may completely brick your cMP. So, unless you really need this function now, I personally don't suggest normal users go this way at this moment. This is a very new hack, and still consider at beta stage. Please wait for at least 3 months, which allow the advances users to confirm how high the risk is (so far, we believe the risk is very low, but not zero. So please wait).
Another option is to use the same firmware drive, but flash your graphic card. e.g. if you have a dual ROM RX580, then you can try to flash the card. This is relatively safe, but I haven't tested this approach. So, can't share my own experience to you.
I say again, it can brick your Mac / graphic card. But if you still want to try it for fun, you may visit this link to know more.
Syncretic is also working on cMP firmware mod, which can also provide native boot screen for non flashed card, but that's completely independent to this OpenCore hack. So, please don't mix them together.
I can't emphasis more, please do not "brick your Mac then ask for help", we told you don't go this way.
This package has SurPlus included and enabled by default to fix the racing condition in Big Sur 11.3 and early Monterey (credit to Syncretic).
AVXPel (credit to Syncretic) and ASPP-Override both included for macOS 12.3 and later.
HDMI Audio support is activated by default now. For those who has GPU don't need this kext, it should be just no effect. At least, so far, no tester report any issue about this AppleALC kext. But if you encounter any issue may be this kext related, please feel free to report.
RadeonSensor is included and enabled by default (credit to Aluveitie). You should now able to use the attached RadeonGadget to monitor your AMD GPU's temperature (on the menu bar).
FeatureUnlock.kext (credit to Acidanthera) is included for those who want Night Shift. This kext is enabled by default, however, Night Shift only works for some monitors. So, don't be surprised if that doesn't work, or even not show up.
The legacy Wi-Fi support in newer macOS is very broken. Therefore, I keep it disabled by default. Even you try to turn it on, most likely nothing will happen. But you may still try to use this function in Big Sur or earlier OS (even though no guarantee can work). Many users reported that OCLP works for their legacy wifi cards, you may try that and see if that works better. AFAIK (and experimented by John), OCLP patch the OS system files, which I have no plan to do so.
On the other hand, for legacy BT, they should work once you enable BlueToolFixUp and Bluetooth-Spoof kext (and reboot).
Users reported that ForceAquantiaEthernet isn't working yet. I am not sure if that relate to DMAR ACPI table. But it seems no harm to enable that either, just no difference. Therefore, if you have any AQC-107s based 10GbE network card installed, you may try this function and report back. Should be safe enough to do so.
If your current OC version works perfectly for you, AND you don't need to update your macOS (In fact, a normal cMP user should NOT update your primary boot drive to Ventura now). There is no need to update OC. Especially for those who are running a modded config.plist, you will have to mod the new one again. e.g. You should NOT use the 0.8.8 config in OC 0.8.9 regardless it's customised or not.
For macOS Monterey 12.3 onward, you should install my 0.8.6 (or newer) package. Otherwise, your cMP may not able to boot to desktop.
The way to update my OC package is quite straight forward, just replace the existing OC and BOOT folder. (N.B. For those who installed OC onto the Windows drive, please make sure you only replace the OC and BOOT folder, but not the whole EFI folder)
P.S. Since 0.8.8 OpenCore added .contentVisibility (a hidden file) to hide itself from the boot picker. If you only replace the Bootx64.efi, but not the entire BOOT folder, you will see an EFI entry in the boot picker, which is actually your OpenCore. As long as you follow demo in the above video, boot picker should hide the OC boot entry. Which make it looks same as previous version's boot picker.
This package is tested by me and few other advance users. Therefore, should be safe to use. However, as usual, I cannot guarantee anything. You should have proper backup, and recovery plan if anything goes wrong.
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. Most likely someone can help you. But please do not expect any quick reply from me directly. I am not ignoring you guys intentionally, but most likely I simply don't have a chance to read your post yet.
The BootROM version is spoofed to 9144. in this package to provide extra protection to the real BootROM. Also provide a way to quick check if you install my OC package correctly. This is intentional and won't write anything to the real firmware, no need to worry about it.
There is a readme file inside the package, please read it before you ask any question. Some tutorial videos may be a little bit outdated. However, I really have no time to make new videos. The steps are still correct in those videos, but the kext name etc may be changed a bit. So, please use your common sense to follow those video tutorials. If in doubt, of course, you can always ask.
P.S. If you want to support my work, please donate via the following link. A million thanks in advance!

Weiß jemand, wie ich bei Martins Paket in der ersten Startphase ebenfalls die hohe Auflösung verwenden kann (so wie bei OCLP) verwenden kann...

Auf dem 30" ACD ist der Apfel echt riesig ;)

Als GPU habe ich eine geflashte RX580 (also mit nativem Bootscreen) - Vielleicht ist das ja auch das "Problem" :p
habs gefunden ;)

  • UIScale
    • 01: Standard resolution
    • 02: HiDPI (generally required for FileVault to function correctly on smaller displays)
martins 0.9.0 package is raus


OpenCore 0.9.0 (credit to Acidanthera) released officially. As usual, you can get my package (configured for 5,1) at here
Before anyone ask, the answer is NO. This package won't allow any cMP to run Ventura.
Since 0.8.8, you may see some text on the top left of your monitor just before the boot picker show up. So far, all evidences point to that's just cosmetic error, and it may go away by itself. No need to worry about that. However, if you really want to avoid it, then you better stay at 0.8.7 at this moment.
For those who want to install Monterey, please read the following carefully. This package is ready to "run" Monterey. However, NOT for Monterey "installation" (or update) by default. There is a reason that I designed the package in this way.
As John's warning more than a year ago. If we spoof the Firmware Feature to make the cMP has "native Monterey support" (like what we are having now in Big Sur). Then you will lost the ability to boot to your existing Mojave (the latest macOS that the cMP is supported officially) and older macOS. That's because we need to turn on Secure Boot for Monterey, but we can't boot existing Mojave (and older macOS) with Secure Boot enabled on our legacy x86 systems.
I always recommend people having a working Mojave drive around. That's good for emergency use. Therefore, I don't want my package cannot boot legacy Mojave by default. Especially for those who are using newer GPU like 5700 or 6800. Without OpenCore to activate the UEFI GOP, they won't able to see anything in Mojave (on the day that they really need it).
So, rather than go for that "trouble free (for Monterey only)" solution. I use a more traditional way to allow us to install (and update) Monterey. Which is by using the VMM flag.
There are only two simple modifications need to be done. I showed the steps in this video
[P.S. For those who used my package to run Catalina. You should be very familiar with this procedure. For new users, if you feel the video is too fast, please use the 0.25x speed function, or just pause it. Also, please turn on the subtitle and read them. If the video is too blurry, please set the quality to 1080P or above]
Once you finished the macOS installation, please turn OFF the VMM flag, and switch ON SMBIOS spoofing in other to restore HWAccel with max CPU performance. You can just replace the modded config plist with the default one. No need to edit it again.
Since 0.8.9, there is a new "...firmware driver enabling pre-OpenCore graphics...". This actually means we can now flash our cMP's firmware (with that firmware driver) to re-gain the "hold Option key to boot" function (or use the firmware level password). We can also choose to flash the graphic card, but in general, flashing the cMP is a better option ("better" here not means "safer"). Because once flashed, almost any modern card can show boot screen on the cMP natively (even you completely remove OpenCore).
However, the required tool and firmware driver is NOT included in my package. My package is aim at providing a one stop shop solution to enable HWAccel. Flashing the cMP / graphic card is going way too far. I can reliably inform you that I tested this function deeply on my own cMP. It works, and not hard to do (for anyone that has basic terminal skill). However, I must emphasis that a single minor user error may completely brick your cMP. So, unless you really need this function now, I personally don't suggest normal users go this way at this moment. This is a very new hack, and still consider at beta stage. Please wait for another 2 months, which allow the advances users to confirm how high the risk is (so far, we believe the risk is very low, but not zero. So please wait).
Another option is to use the same firmware drive, but flash your graphic card. e.g. if you have a dual ROM RX580, then you can try to flash the card. This is relatively safe, but I haven't tested this approach. So, can't share my own experience to you.
I say again, it can brick your Mac / graphic card. But if you still want to try it for fun, you may visit this link to know more.
Syncretic is also working on cMP firmware mod, which can also provide native boot screen for non flashed card, but that's completely independent to this OpenCore hack. So, please don't mix them together.
I can't emphasis more, please do not "brick your Mac then ask for help", we told you don't go this way.
This package has SurPlus included and enabled by default to fix the racing condition in Big Sur 11.3 and early Monterey (credit to Syncretic).
AVXPel (credit to Syncretic) and ASPP-Override both included for macOS 12.3 and later.
HDMI Audio support is activated by default now. For those who has GPU don't need this kext, it should be just no effect. At least, so far, no tester report any issue about this AppleALC kext. But if you encounter any issue may be this kext related, please feel free to report.
RadeonSensor is included and enabled by default (credit to Aluveitie). You should now able to use the attached RadeonGadget to monitor your AMD GPU's temperature (on the menu bar).
FeatureUnlock.kext (credit to Acidanthera) is included for those who want Night Shift. This kext is enabled by default, however, Night Shift only works for some monitors. So, don't be surprised if that doesn't work, or even not show up.
The legacy Wi-Fi support in newer macOS is very broken. Therefore, I keep it disabled by default. Even you try to turn it on, most likely nothing will happen. But you may still try to use this function in Big Sur or earlier OS (even though no guarantee can work). Many users reported that OCLP works for their legacy wifi cards, you may try that and see if that works better. AFAIK (and experimented by John), OCLP patch the OS system files, which I have no plan to do so.
On the other hand, for legacy BT, they should work once you enable BlueToolFixUp and Bluetooth-Spoof kext (and reboot).
Users reported that ForceAquantiaEthernet isn't working yet. I am not sure if that relate to DMAR ACPI table. But it seems no harm to enable that either, just no difference. Therefore, if you have any AQC-107s based 10GbE network card installed, you may try this function and report back. Should be safe enough to do so.
If your current OC version works perfectly for you, AND you don't need to update your macOS (In fact, a normal cMP user should NOT update your primary boot drive to Ventura now). There is no need to update OC. Especially for those who are running a modded config.plist, you will have to mod the new one again. e.g. You should NOT use the 0.8.9 config in OC 0.9.0 regardless it's customised or not.
For macOS Monterey 12.3 onward, you should install my 0.8.6 (or newer) package. Otherwise, your cMP may not able to boot to desktop.
The way to update my OC package is quite straight forward, just replace the existing OC and BOOT folder. (N.B. For those who installed OC onto the Windows drive, please make sure you only replace the OC and BOOT folder, but not the whole EFI folder)
P.S. Since 0.8.8 OpenCore added .contentVisibility (a hidden file) to hide itself from the boot picker. If you only replace the Bootx64.efi, but not the entire BOOT folder, you will see an EFI entry in the boot picker, which is actually your OpenCore. As long as you follow demo in the above video, boot picker should hide the OC boot entry. Which make it looks same as previous version's boot picker.
This package is tested by me and few other advance users. Therefore, should be safe to use. However, as usual, I cannot guarantee anything. You should have proper backup, and recovery plan if anything goes wrong.
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. Most likely someone can help you. But please do not expect any quick reply from me directly. I am not ignoring you guys intentionally, but most likely I simply don't have a chance to read your post yet.
The BootROM version is spoofed to 9144. in this package to provide extra protection to the real BootROM. Also provide a way to quick check if you install my OC package correctly. This is intentional and won't write anything to the real firmware, no need to worry about it.
There is a readme file inside the package, please read it before you ask any question. Some tutorial videos may be a little bit outdated. However, I really have no time to make new videos. The steps are still correct in those videos, but the kext name etc may be changed a bit. So, please use your common sense to follow those video tutorials. If in doubt, of course, you can always ask.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Ich hänge mein Anliegen mal hier dran, wobei ich keinen passenden Thread für das Thema gefunden habe – sollte ich der einzige mit dem folgenden Problem sein? Deshalb sorry, wenn es doch einen geben sollte…

Ich betreibe auch zwei Monitore an einer RX 590, Hauptmonitor am DVI, 2. Monitor (TV) am HDMI. Es läuft auf einem nativen MacPro5,1 wahlweise Monterey 12.7.4 unter OCLP 1.4.2, als auch noch Mojave auf einem anderen Laufwerk, soweit auch alles gut (außer das Mojave etwas anderes unter "SIP disabled" versteht als Monterey, aber egal).

Das einzige, was ich um's Verrecken nicht ändern kann, ist folgendes – und das hat wohl nichts mit OC zu tun: hängen beide Monitore VOR dem Booten dran – egal, ob mit oder ohne OCLP – läuft der (EnableGOP) Apple oder OCLP Bootpicker IMMER über den HDMI-Monitor (also hier TV). Erst wenn das System fast geladen ist, springt er auf den "richtigen" Monitor um. Dann kann ich noch soviel NVRAM zurücksetzen, oder nur mit angeschlossenem Hauptmonitor booten (dann geht's natürlich)… sobald wieder beide dranhängen, kommt der Bootscreen über HDMI, erst beim Login bin auf dem Hauptmonitor.

Workarounds sind lediglich: entweder ich stecke das TV erst dran, wenn ich es konkret als Zweitmonitor brauche, oder das TV muss immer laufen, damit ich den Bootpicker auch benutzen kann.

Ich dacht immer, die Info, über welchen Monitor der Bootscreen laufen soll, steckt im NVRAM? Warum merkt sich das nicht mal irgendwann, was ich von ihm will?
Welche Parameter welchen Setting es ganz genau ist muss ausgetestet werden.

Setz mal das nvram per forcierter Garbage Collection zurück, das löscht noch mehr.

Cmd alt p r zusammen gedrückt halten, nicht loslassen, bis er insgesamt 4 mal gongt.

Ob das nvram tatsächlich die GC durchlaufen hat siehst du nach einem Dump mit meinem Dumper. Zweiter Stream muss dann leer sein. Klappt oder klappt nicht hängt mit der Tastatur und konfig zusammen.

Kompletter Neuaufbau der Firmware mit NVRAM könnte auch einen Versuch wert sein.
Hmmm… da ist doch ein fast jungfräuliches ROM drauf – ich berichtete schon mal davon: um EnableGOP zu injizieren, habe ich Dein neu aufgebautes ROM genommen, lediglich um EnableGOP ergänzt. Da kann doch in den paar Wochen nicht soviel Müll aufgelaufen sein… Das muss doch ein konkretes Setting sein, was da nicht überschrieben wird…
Naja, ich kümmere mich am WE um die GC…
Oben Unten